FREE GIFT | Linen Envelope with Embroidered Lace Edges
FREE GIFT | Linen Envelope with Embroidered Lace Edges

FREE GIFT | Linen Envelope with Embroidered Lace Edges

Angebotspreis0,00 zł

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A fantastic gift for lavender lovers. These beautiful sachets are crafted from a lovely natural coloured linen and cotton blend fabric and filled with English lavender. These sachets are perfect for hanging in wardrobes, tucking into drawers, or placing under pillows to allow the delicate fragrance to gently scent your home. 

**Little tip - squeeze the sachet bag once in a while to release the scent and revive the sachet**

  • 3 x envelope style sachet
  • Button fastening
  • Appliqued lace embellishment


  • 13x20cm